Business SOS™ The Fallout of a Pandemic is the second book in Deborah J. Scarpa’s series under the same name with the first having been published shortly after the Great Recession in 2013. Her new book, Business SOS™ The Fallout of a Pandemic, identifies, in detail, the challenges for small businesses severely affected by the COVID-19 shutdown. It is a poignant outline of the current situation for most small businesses and maps out a detailed way forward so that businesses can survive under these most unusual economic challenges. Ms. Scarpa outlines Business S.O.S. ™ as a place – digital or otherwise – where struggling small business owners can go without recourse, fear, or shame to completely or partially redesign their businesses for the 21st century. It is not an advice corner offering suggestions, it is not a bait-and-switch operation, it is an open source collaboration of resources through proprietary software for businesses in S.O.S.It takes the disadvantages of facing less consumer demand, lack of capital, and need to retool and provides companies with enhanced IT, modern effective marketing, and a variety of other critical components. It makes the acquisition and implementation of these items obtainable – even while our economy continues to be dysfunctional and devoid of growth because of this latest economic crisis. The goal is for small businesses to get the help they need when they need it most.